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Knowing the Content


Discussion Board in Duquesne University's Blackboard

Wiki Tool

Wimba Classroom

Blog Tool


ADDIE Model Final Project

Student Project (ADDIE Model)

Staff Project (ADDIE Model)

Duquesne University's Email

Grant Writing Proposal

Wiki (Technology Plans)

   - Technology Plan #1

   - Technology Plan #2

​Group Website

Rating: Proficient

Based on the rating scale, I would rate myself as Advanced because I have demonstrated my knowledge of using a computer to communicate and connect with professors and classmates. Communicate with professors and classmates via the email, discussion board, wimba classroom are my primary communication method because of my hearing loss. It is a very easy task for me to communicate because I grew up and used computers at a very young age. I quickly developed my communication skills that are all similar to the examples above such as, MySpace, facebook, and AIM (AOL Instant Messagener). Along with two other assignments (Wiki and Grant Writing Proposal) I had trouble understanding what was expected of me to complete the assignments. I was able to get assistance and explanations on several questions so I could answer them correctly. I have communicated via email and worked with the group using the Dropbox to share files in Adobe Dreamweaver for the IT Doctoral Website.





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